Fall 2015

PSP 761R: "Ego Psychology and Mechanisms of Defense"
Levy and Sawicki
Tu 6:15-7:45 PM
Permission required

Content: Ego Psychological concepts developed out of Freud’s structural or tripartite theory of mind are explored. The contributions of Hartmann are studied in depth. A basis is provided for the exploration of subsequent psychoanalytic developments in object relations theory, self-psychology and contributions to early infant development based on early infant observation. Topics include a review of major ego functions, superego development and functioning, inter-systemic and intra-systemic conflict and autonomy. The major contributions to psychoanalytic technique made by Gray and Brenner will be introduced and discussed from a clinical and theoretical perspective.


PSP 789 001: "Irigaray and Kristeva"
M 6:00-9:00 PM

Content: This graduate seminar will focus on the philosophical and psychoanalytic writings of two of the leading “French Feminists” of our time: the Belgian feminist and psychoanalyst Luce Irigaray and the Bulgarian-French psychoanalyst and philosopher Julia Kristeva.
Irigaray, Luce. Speculum of the Other Woman
Irigaray, Luce. This Sex Which Is Not One
Irigaray, Luce. The Ethics of Sexual Difference
Irigaray, Luce. Sexes and Genealogies
Irigaray, Luce. Thinking the Difference
Kristeva, Julia. Melanie Klein
Kristeva, Julia. Tales of Love
Kristeva, Julia. Black Sun
Kristeva, Julia. New Maladies of the Soul
Kristeva, Julia. “Reliance, or Maternal Eroticism” in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 62:1, February 2014
Oliver, Kelly. The Portable Kristeva
Recommended background reading:
Entry on Irigaray in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://www.iep.utm.edu/irigaray/
The European Graduate School biography on Kristeva http://www.egs.edu/library/julia-kristeva/biography/
[Crosslisted with PHIL 789 000/WGS 588R-001]

PSP 789 000: "Revolutionary Perversions: Literature, Sexuality, Anachrony"
M 4:00-7:00 PM

Content: In this course, we shall examine how representations of “non-normative” sexuality in several major nineteenth-century works relate to the problem of representing history in the aftermath of the French revolution. Many of the most famous canonical literary texts written in French prior to 1871 include references to impotence, lesbianism, hysteria, cross dressing, bestiality, masturbation and prostitution in the context of narratives that re-write or un-write the legacy of the French revolution. By focusing on the literary treatment of these ‘perverse’ forms of sexuality, we shall attempt to see how they encourage us to think differently about questions of historical transmission, language, gender, and sovereignty. Possible texts include: La Philosophie dans le boudoir (Sade), René (Chateaubriand), Ourika, Mme de Duras, Armance (Stendhal), Le Père Goriot and La Fille aux yeux d’or (Balzac), L’Education sentimentale (Flaubert), “Le Secret de l’Echafaud” (Villiers de L’Isle-Adam), and selections from Baudelaire’s prose poems. Critical readings may include works by Freud, Marx, Benjamin, Blanchot, Daniel Arasse, Derrida, and others.

[Crosslisted with FRENCH 775/CPLT 751]


FREN 785: "States of Migration"
W 1:00-4:00 PM

Content: From forced political migrations to economic migrations, this course will examine the theory and practice of migration in its relationship to the nation. Central to our study of literary and cinematic texts will be questions of aesthetics and ethics (Spivak, Derrida), poetics (Bhabha, Deleuze/Guattari, Naficy, Desrosiers) and economics (Marx, Wallerstein, von Mises). As we weigh concepts of migration over and against theorizations of nationhood, this course will delve into problems of hospitality, trauma and criminality, as well as the possibilities for individual and creative agency.

Literary Texts:
Ying Chen, Lettres chinoises
Fatou Diome, La Préférence Nationale
Alain Mabanckou, Bleu Blanc Rouge
Emile Ollivier, Passages
Régine Robin, La Québecoite
Dai Sijie, Le Complexe de Di
Cinematic Texts:
Philippe Falardeau, Pâté Chinois (1997)
Philippe Falardeau, Monsieur Lazhar (2011)
Michael Haneke, Caché (2005)
Aki Kaurismaki, Le Havre (2011)
Mweze Ngangura, Pièces d’identité (1998)
Moussa Touré, La Pirogue (2013)

[Cross-listed with Film 573]

ENG 789R: "Cannibalism in Caribbean Literature"
W 1:00-4:00 PM
Max: 12

Content: In Martinican Creole, Mwen ké mangéw, "I'm going to eat you," refers both to the action of ingesting food, and to the sexual act. The seminar will examine the intersection between the primal act of eating, sexuality, and acts of colonization (of land, persons, and language), in a series of texts and films from or about the Caribbean in a Black Atlantic perspective. The following will be addressed: repercussions of slavery and colonialism on eating and sexuality; representations of black subjects as edible products (e.g. banania) or as deviant eaters (e.g. cannibals); culinary and erotic responses to colonial or racialist violence; food metaphors and nationalism; consumption and sexual tourism; closeted and reclaimed sexualities; literary cannibalism and textual authority; and ecocritical agencies.

Primary Texts (purchase the book in English or French, according to your linguistic ability):
Aimé Césaire. Notebook of a Return to the Native Land. ISBN-13: 978-0819564528
Cahier d'un retour au pays natal. ISBN-13: 978-2708704206
Suzanne Césaire. Great Camouflage. ISBN-13: 978-0819572752
Le grand camouflage. ISBN-13: 978-2020999083
Frantz Fanon. Black Skin, White Masks (2008 Philcox's translation only). ISBN-13: 978-0802143006
Peau noire, masques blancs. ISBN-13: 978-2020006019
Dany Laferrière. How to Make Love to a Negro. ISBN-13: 978-1553655855
Comment faire l'amour avec un Nègre sans se fatiguer. ISBN-13: 978-2842611460
Jean Rhys. Wide Sargasso Sea. ISBN-13: 978-0393310481
Additional texts by Edwidge Danticat, Jack Forbes, Gobineau, Maryse Condé, Marie Vieux Chauvet, Lafcadio Hearn, Édouard Glissant, Jean-Baptiste Labat, Audrey Lorde, Montaigne, Saint-Méry, among others, will be available on electronic reserve.
Films: Vers le Sud / Heading South (Cantet/Laferrière); Mange, ceci est mon corps / Eat, For This is my Body (Quay); Bouillon d'Awara/ Awara Soup (Paes) will be on reserve at the Woodruff Multimedia Library.

Particulars: The seminar will be taught in English. No knowledge of French is required. However, students reading French will be encouraged to do the readings and to write their papers in French. Students working on different linguistic zones of the Caribbean and the African Diaspora will have the opportunity to write their final paper on their respective linguistic area of studies in English or French. All texts will be available in English and French (if French is the text's original language).
Sustained participation, 3 1-2 page response papers on Blackboard, 1 in-class presentation, a 12-page research paper with annotated bibliography.
Written permission of DGS required prior to enrollment.

[Crosslisted with ENG 789/FREN 785]

ENG 789R: "Dark Continent: Blackness and the Feminine"
Th 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Max: 4

Content: This course focuses on the long history of abstract signage and meaning to extend from Freud's initial metaphor of "the dark continent." to describe a deep anxiety about women's sexuality. The goal of the course will be to think about the philosophical development and structures of race, femininity and sexuality, within the horizon of narratives of capture and escape. We will examine the trajectory of contemporary feminist thought and how it has developed by way of this psychoanalytic rubric, in order to probe specifically how the black feminine has emerged from a set of dispersed, fractured and sometimes incongruent epistemologies, examining work from the French feminists like Irigaray, Cixous and Kristeva to contemporary feminists like Judith Butler and Elizabeth Grosz. The course aims to tease out a central dialectic in the critical narratives supplied by these feminist project. On the one hand, some provide an account of historical subjection, while other thinkers become concerned with the mechanics of survival. This course will propose that we think about not simply the overlap between what Saidiya Hartman has called "scenes of subjection" with what we might call, senses of survival. More provocatively, we will think about the concurrent production of the one in the other and vice versa. Our aim is to ask about the kinds of aesthetic questions that are raised when these fraught political positions are both embodied and contested. Selected readings by: Marx, Freud, Lacan, Toni Morrison, Gayatri Spivak, Hortense Spillers, Ranjana Khana, Jacques Derrida, Walter Benjamin, Sylvia Wynter and others.
Written permission of DGS required prior to enrollment

[Crosslisted with ENG 789R/WGS 586]

WGS 752: "Queer Theory"
Th 2:00-5:00 PM

Content: We will explore various connections, departures, and revisions between early queer theory and current work in the field, emphasizing the dynamics of identification and disidentification; relations of embodiment(s) to materialism(s); questions of history, temporality, and futurity; the politics and aesthetics of the antisocial thesis; sexualities and the archives; and the significance of Black Queer Studies and the study of settler colonialism for ongoing rethinkings of queer theory today.

Readings will be chosen from among the following: 
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Introduction to Epistemology of the Closet and "Thinking Through Queer Theory"
Judith Butler, Bodies That Matter
Leo Bersani, Homos
Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Public Sex"
Jonathan Goldberg and Madhavi Menon, "Queering History"
Jose Esteban Munoz, Cruising Utopia
Daniel Heath Justice, Mark Rifkin and Bethany Schneider, Introduction to Special Issue of GLQ on Queer Studies and Native American Studies
Jennifer C. Nash, The Black Body in Ecstasy and "Black Anality"
Darieck Scott, Extravagant Abjection
Eugenie Brinkema, "Rough Sex"
Lauren Berlant and Lee Edelman, Unbearable